Thermal Vacuum Testing
When you want to test your product for extreme space conditions, that include temperatures from 155°C to -175°C at space vacuum altitudes, Environment Associates is your solution. Using this test to determine the unique failures of space mechanisms that orbit the earth is key in improving system reliability. Thermal vacuum testing is similar to thermal cycling but adds deep space vacuums for detecting corona/arcing and intermittence and increases a product’s out-gassing. The key failure modes found during this test are: 1) electrical iIntermittence, 2) thermal control issues, 3) arcing, 4) corona, 5) material out-gassing, and more, to determine a product’s flight-worthiness for workmanship and processing issues.
We provide heating and cooling by direct contact through the use of a conductive chilling plate or the chamber’s shroud surface.
We regularly meet the requirements of contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, NASA JPL, Northrop Grumman and Astrium.
Contact us to review your particular testing needs.